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Writing blog content with AI

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Welcome aboard, SEO content writer!

Your mission is to be the world’s best dance academy content writer to bring all of the academy’s websites to the top of Google.

One exciting thing about this role is that hitting the top of Google in six months or less is VERY achievable in this niche in any city. I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes and the competition tends to not be tech savvy whatsoever.

With your great work, we will soon be dominating every city! You’ll get to see the results of your efforts.

“World’s best… content writer” means the following:

  • Delivers perfect grammar every time

  • Uses A.I. tools expertly

  • Delivers creative content ideas

  • Optimizes all content for SEO

  • Makes content that humans will actually want to read

Here’s how you’ll help the academy shoot to the top of Google in each city and make the sites appealing to humans as well:

  1. Strategic text on each site

  2. Two strategic blog posts per city per week



  • Emulate . They shot to the TOP of Google for our most coveted search terms (like “Salsa Classes in Los Angeles” and “Bachata Classes in Los Angeles”) in about 9 months! They were near the top quickly without even having a blog (learn from this) and then when they added a blog, they hit the #1 spot, even outranking some giants like Yelp.

    • Notice how they start with a variety of general blog categories but then strategically relate everything to themselves and link to themselves. Emulate this.

  • Get creative. Always think of ways to do it even better.

    • For example, A.I. can write amazing shorts poems! What if we included a short poem about dancing on every post that humans would actually be interested in reading! (Maybe a good idea, maybe not. It’s an example of a creative idea though).


  • Decide article topic. Considerations:

    1. Possible to have juicy phrase for desired SEO term in the title? (Ex. “Salsa Classes in Miami”)

    2. What SEO terms will the article optimize for?

    3. Will a human want to read it? (Less important at first for new cities. First priority is getting to the top of Google. With articles that we publish in Los Angeles, on the other hand, more human eyes will see them more quickly).

  • Start every blog post by having A.I. write it for you. These are incredibly powerful tools that will give you a tremendous edge. ChatGPT is one tool, but there are others too.

  • Adjust the content by prompting the A.I. to make adjustments again and again until you are satisfied.

  • Put the final, strategic human touches on it yourself

  • Run it through A.I. again to check for recommended grammar adjustments.

  • Post it to the website. Include links and further adjust it strategically based on viewing it on the site.

  • Publish


  • Every time you publish something, put the link here as a note and paste in Signal for Danny, the operations manager & the visbility manager to see.

  • Publish two blogs per city per week and other content/site adjustments as needed.

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